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Is Facebook a virus spreading engine?

I am on Facebook because everybody is there. From friends to people who share the same hobbies and interests, they are all there. I tried Google Plus for a while because it is technically superior to Facebook and does not have any build in commercials (but of cause that can change over night). 

The thing is Google Plus does not evolute. It is like Apple: this is what you get and after a few years it just starts to bore. I can not understand people that are still confident with their 10 years old icons ordered in the same way for 10 years. It must be for all people who do not understand the basics of information technology: evolution and sometimes even revolution. For Apple it worked out with their 17% global market share, for Google Plus it did not because it is almost gone. I am just waiting for Google to shut it down.

So I move to Facebook. On great thing about Facebook is that they have the like button. People can visit your page and say what they think about it or give comments. The world wide web is not constructed to provide this information. The only thing you can see for example with Google Analytics how many times your page is seen, which browser and from which country. Great but completely useless information unless you want to do a report how popular a browser is in a country because you have no idea about your visitor. 

Facebook changed all that. You can see that your page is visited and if your posts are pleasing because of the number of likes. Of cause there are plenty of fake profiles that try to seduce you to like them for various reasons. Sometimes to get your confidence and to get your money and sometimes because people are really lonely, don't like themselves so much or their life and want to pretend that they are a prince or a princess. Of cause that does not work because it all happens in the real world and chatting is not the same as talking together while seeing the emotions in each other eyes. A thing that seems to get rarer and rarer these days. When you look around yourself in public transport people prefer to look at their phone than looking at someone else. Shared loneliness, how sad. 

Due to its immense popularity Facebook has become also the ultimate way to spread viruses or malware.  And Facebook does a really lousy job to get them and protect you against them. First problem is that Facebook does not work unless you give Facebook full permissions in your browser. Facebook on HTML only does not work: you need to activate Javascript and all that lousy stuff full of bugs and functionalities that give malicious developers or NSA spies access to your computer. 

It is not only a problem for the Facebook user but also for Facebook itself. It is just a matter of time that a hacker will succeed in creating a virus that spreads like wild fire on Facebook and shuts down parts or fully the Facebook network. Because the Facebook network is so large it will be hard to keep track and to stop it and the elephant Facebook willl be broad on his knees. 

The first signs are there: I clicked on a interesting publicity offer spread by Facebook to see the offer and although I browse in a very restrict way I got this: 
Oeps! Not a very friendly message and something that should be happening using Facebook. And yes, in the world of Mark Zuckerberg, where a picture with a nipple is marked as offensive and you are locked out for a month, Mark seems to have no problems creating problems on your computer by a paid offer. 

It shows also how fragile Facebook is regarding security. Their lack of security and privacy serves them well and makes them rich of cause but doing so there is always someone who gets hurt and in general that is you and me, the ordinary user that can not afford to sue Facebook because his computer got infected and he or she lost all its personal data. 

For us it is just like that. But imagine Facebook loses all our profiles and data by a virus? Statistically it is bound to happen and Facebook can not escape from that.


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